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Brexit 1

In a few hours you are going to make, probably, the biggest decision of your life. I beg you don't vote emotionally, a visceral vote won't help. Voting out is akin to the analogy of the unpopular boy, who has a football, but no-one wants to play with him, but everyone wants the ball, so being mardy (this word is in the dictionary but is only in the common vernacular of the Midlands and the North, please explain to our Southern friends) he takes the ball home. Now, this argument is common to both sides of the “in” and“out” argument. The U.K could “take the ball” away or The E.U could “take the ball” away. If we leave we will have no allies, apart from Vladimir Putin ( he is not going to help the U.K) Britain will be cast into a political and economic wilder-land. If the E.U “takes the ball away” woe betide, the French are dying to “put the boot in”, the Germans have, at present, said they want no animosity. If Brexit threatens to unravel the E.U the gloves will come off. I know, 1940, we stood alone and survived. Wake up call, we stood alone with the backing of the British Commonwealth ( yes, I know it didn't exist at that time but the group did exist, they were, derogatively, termed “dominions or colonies”) and America. This time we have no such allies.
One of my friends (I don't want to pick anyone out) is asking you to vote out of an Orwellian, undemocratic hell. This is a very valid comment ( by the way this friend is very intelligent) but he's (respectfully) wrong. The best way to fix the E.U's ills is to work from the inside. Sending “Mr Fox” (UKIP, Nigel Farage) to take care of the “chickens” is ill-advised (but plays very much to the sense of British irony). Why not send representatives who will forward the British cause and who believe in a European Union.
So, why am I putting forth these arguments. The very astute will say I have an ulterior motive. My wife was born outside of the E.U, so, remaining in the E.U gives me a path to enable me to take her to U.K. This process has been termed the “Choudhray way” (not sure about the spelling). I actually posted about this a few years ago (but no-one took any heed). News, “ the Choudhray way” has been effectively cut off ( through legislation). Financially a “Brexit” would be a boon for me. The pound will crash, investors will park their money in the Yen (considered a safe haven, I don't know why) so a trip back home for me would become affordable. I'm posting to beg, implore, you to stay in the Union and use your energy to fix it. I don't want to see Britain, you or your children cast into economic or political “purgatory”. I'm not a Cameron supporter, you can't even plumb the depths of how much I revile him. If you think “but this is our chance”, remember this, there was a referendum, on E.U membership, in 1975. If everything goes awry there will be another chance to vote. Cameron only offered the referendum as an enticement to vote for him. I'm sure this offer will come up again. Please, vote with your head, not your heart. A Brexit vote will be permanent. There will be no second chances. Finally, sorry for another long post. Sorry for assaulting your bleary morning eyes, thank you.


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